Monday, September 29, 2014

                We recently watched the documentary Bowling for Columbine. The film portrayed gun laws, gun rights, and gun violence in the United States as well as other countries around the world. I believe that our nation’s gun laws are typically very necessary. However, we need to increase safety against weapons in public settings such as schools.

                The second amendment of the constitution gives us the right to bear arms. The gun rights we have as US citizens is a huge freedom, and should not be taken away from us. Nearly anyone can go out and buy a gun for self-defense if they feel the need to, and I think this is okay. However, many people argue that we have too many freedoms dealing with guns, but I don’t agree with this. If used for the right reasons, guns can be helpful in many ways whether it’s for hunting and providing food, shooting guns as a hobby, or self-defense. I don’t think that there is a good enough reason to provoke the gun rights of Americans.

The United States leads all other countries across the world every year in killings by guns. Why is this? As Americans we do have a bloody history, but so does Japan, Germany, and Britain. Suggested reasons that so many people are killed by guns in the US are said to be because we don’t have enough restrictions against guns, and because so many people in the US have guns. The media tries to scare people in the United States with both of these subjects, however, in many other countries it is not like this. The media often blows up situations and blames killings of people on the gun itself, instead of the person shooting the gun. Guns are not the reason that people are shot and killed, the people running the guns are the reason.

Obama has passed many executive orders concerning gun control. He has tried banning military-grade weapons from being reimported as well as requiring background checks on all gun sales. I think that some of the laws Obama is passing to ensure gun control are positive and could help, however, some of the laws he is trying to pass aren’t necessary. I believe that laws need to be passed to protect the safety of the public and especially schools. School shootings have occurred more often in recent years, and I think that Obama needs to pass new executive laws to ensure safety in schools. Simple things such as security cameras or school uniforms could prevent a school shooting.

Guns and gun rights is an ongoing argument right now in the United States. In the future, I think that more laws will be passed to better protect the people of our country. However, I don’t think we should go overboard with too many laws and try to take away guns. Guns are a huge part of our country and its history, and this should not be taken away from us.

This link shows 10 facts about guns in the United States:


  1. I agree with you on the fact that I believe that our gun rights shouldn't be provoked drastically. However, I think that we should make limits to how much ammo you can buy. I think that would end up decreasing the amount of gun-related deaths.

  2. I agree with what you said in paragraph two about how people think we have to many freedoms with guns. I hate how everyone believes that guns kill people when like you said it is the people killing people I support your ideas. Although maybe they could do a little more to limit who can have guns such as asking for references and continue doing background checks.

  3. I do not agree with you. If you think that you need a gun, because you are afraid of somebody can kill or hurt you. That is not good at all. In Spain, we live without guns, and people don't kill each other.
    Also I do not agree with the opinion of Obama has to pass laws security in schools. First, here the students have to pass controls, to know if they bring guns or not, because they feel that they are not saved, that should not happen.

  4. I 100% agree with our blog. Some people in our great country of America, need guns to survive. What I mean is that some people need to shoot wildlife, or kill livestock to eat to survive. How are those people supposed to harvest a deer, and or a steer just to have enough food to survive for the winter. Yes, there will be people who use guns for bad, but not every one wants to use guns to kill people.

  5. I agree that we need to increase gun protection in public places and schools. Also, that we shouldn't go overboard with it. Good blog Bo Show!

  6. I like your comment in the first paragraph about gun control in certain public settings. I agree 100% that there is a time and a place for stricter enforcement.

  7. I think you make excellent points on gun rights and safety. America needs to use guns for game and protection, not to kill people. I like how you made your blog about safety more than gun rights.
