Monday, October 13, 2014

New Amendment

We recently studied the 27 amendments of the United States Constitution. Of these amendments, the most recent amendment was ratified in 1992. Many new amendments are proposed to the Constitution every year, however very rarely is a new amendment passed. So if I could create a new amendment or amend one already written in the Constitution what would it be? I would propose a new amendment concerning health care in the United States.

                Today health care in the United States is very expensive and cannot be afforded by many United States citizens. I believe that health care should be provided for all United States citizens at little to no cost. Use Canada as an example. They have a free health care system which has benefited their people greatly. The life expectancy of Canadians is nearly three years longer than it is for Americans. 100 percent of Canadians have public health care insurance, whereas only 45 percent of Americans have this insurance. I think that if the US adopted this health care system it would be beneficial for all United States citizens.

                In the Constitution, the amendment would state: Free health care shall be provided to every United States citizen; all persons and races shall receive equal health care treatment as long as they are a citizen of the United States, and none of these people should be turned down treatment of any matter; the right to health care treatment is granted to any United States citizen and shall not be provoked.

                I believe that a free health insurance system would benefit our country immensely. People should not be turned down medical treatment because they can’t afford it. Many Americans have to work until they are nearly 70 years old because they cannot afford to retire and still pay for health insurance. I feel that this isn’t right. People who have worked their entire life should be able to quit working at the age of 55 and not have to worry about paying for health insurance. Delaying health care only hurts us because when an uninsured person can’t pay, it falls upon those who are insured to pay for the costs.

                I think that we should propose a new amendment to provide US citizens with free health care insurance. A new amendment that guaranteed free health care to our country’s citizens would be very beneficial in many ways. With free health care, every US citizen would be able to receive treatment and not have to worry about huge costs that follow.


  1. I think this would be a great addition to our constitution. I really like how u worded it as you think it should be in the constitution. very proffesional

  2. I completely agree with your amendment. Health care is the most important thing. People should not die only because they don't have money to pay for treatment.

  3. Maybe it should be included under the ninth amendment. As a right that people have not listed in the Constitution. The government should take care of its citizens, the citizens should take care of the government.

  4. I agree. This should be added or something like it because everyone should be able to use health care. people shouldn't die just because they can't afford the already overpriced health care. And the government can't blame it on the fact that they can't afford it because there are other countries with way less money that provide free health care.
